Tag: symptoms

Functional neurological disorder refers to an abnormality in the functioning of the nervous system. Generally speaking, it is a dysfunction of how our brain receives information from the rest of the body. Sometimes, the functional neurological disorder can also be called conversion disorder. A variety of symptoms present in this type of disease include seizures, fatigue, and other problems.


Functional neurological disorders are usually examined with the help of MRI, EEG, and other scans. The necessary advances in medicine can help us better understand these disorders and, as a result, provide more effective care.

Main Causes and Risk Factors

Generally, there are no known causes of functional neurological disorders, but there are certain theories that can help shed light on potential risks. Generally, they depend on the symptoms and involve different mechanisms within the brain. As functional neurological disorders may appear after a physical or emotional trauma, stress, or

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Childhood And Teen Depression

DepressionD epression is a dysregulation of the brain function that control emotions (or moods). It continues for weeks, months and typically years and interferes with the person’s work, college, relationships with different people and their ability to take pleasure in life. Major depressive disorder impacts approximately 14.8 million American adults or about 6.7 p.c of the U.S. inhabitants in a given year. The overwhelming majority of people with depression who search treatment will find a cure, with success charges of about 80 or 90 p.c.

6 About three out of every 10 cigarettes smoked by adults in the United States are smoked by persons with mental health situations. Depression is a common, severe illness and not a personal weakness. If someone in your life has five of the above symptoms (with at the least one in every of them being a temper symptom) present every day for most of the … Read the rest

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