Category: General Article

Functional neurological disorder refers to an abnormality in the functioning of the nervous system. Generally speaking, it is a dysfunction of how our brain receives information from the rest of the body. Sometimes, the functional neurological disorder can also be called conversion disorder. A variety of symptoms present in this type of disease include seizures, fatigue, and other problems.


Functional neurological disorders are usually examined with the help of MRI, EEG, and other scans. The necessary advances in medicine can help us better understand these disorders and, as a result, provide more effective care.

Main Causes and Risk Factors

Generally, there are no known causes of functional neurological disorders, but there are certain theories that can help shed light on potential risks. Generally, they depend on the symptoms and involve different mechanisms within the brain. As functional neurological disorders may appear after a physical or emotional trauma, stress, or

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Guide For Buying Dropper Bottles

Dropper bottles are always very handy to have in your home. This is because you can use them for various purposes. Many oils are kept in dropper bottles, but perfumes are also stored in them. Dropper bottles are characterised by their closure, and with these you can also drip. So, it can also be medicines or other important liquids stored in them. Having high-quality dropper bottles is very important for preserving the contents. Many people opt for plastic dropper bottles, but this is not convenient at all. In fact, there are many disadvantages to this, and it is better to opt for glass ones. Why is glass so much better? In this article, we go into this in detail, so you can find out all about it.

Glass is durable

Glass is sustainable if you compare it to plastic, and this is mainly because of its production. Plastic is truly Read the rest

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